Monday, March 7, 2016

Aid to Munich Area Refugee Welcome Center

There was a great article this week on the German Church home page about one of our projects to aid incoming refugees.  You can also read it there:
Welcome to the 'Waiting Room" in Erding, near Munich

The Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (German Red Cross) is coordinating the camp.  This hut holds many rooms for refugees.
Mormonen spenden Kleidung für Flüchtlinge in Erding
Drei Paletten mit Unterwäsche, Hemden, Schals und Mützen hat die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage auf Anfrage der Flüchtlingshilfe Erding e.V. gespendet. Diese bedankte sich prompt auf ihrer Webseite.
Es sei "großartige Erfahrung und ein super Motivationsschub, wenn die eigene Arbeit eine so großzügige Unterstützung von außerhalb erfährt", heißt es in einer Mitteilung vom Montag, den 29. Februar 2016, auf Die Kleiderspende reicht für weit mehr als 1.000 Flüchtlinge, wie der Verein versichert.
Cubicle for 4 men to have some personal space
Die Kleidung wurde aus Mitteln des Hauptsitzes der christlichen Kirche für die Soforthilfe für Flüchtlinge in Europa angeschafft.
Junge Mormonen aus der Gemeinde Landshut beteiligten sich vor Ort beim Sortieren und der Ausgabe von Kleidung. Außerdem werden in einer Aktion im Gemeindehaus Kleider sortiert, besonders Kinderkleidung.
Our Young Single Adults helped to sort the generous clothing donations
In der Flüchtlingshilfe Erding e.V. engagieren sich freiwillige Helfer zusammen mit dem Internationalen und Bayerischen Roten Kreuz, der Bundeswehr sowe dem Technischen Hilfswerk, um Schutzsuchende in einem in Erding eingerichteten "Warteraum" zur Seite zu stehen. Die Organisation des Camps wird vom Deutschen Roten Kreuz geleistet.
Ein Junge trägt eine warme Mütze
And here is the not very good Google translation:
Mormons donate clothes for refugees in Erding
Three pallets with underwear, shirts, scarves and hats donated to request refugee aid Erding e.V. the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These thanked promptly on its website.
It is "great experience and a great motivation boost when their own work undergoes so generous support from outside," it said in a statement on Monday, 29 February 2016 on The clothes donation is enough for more than 1,000 refugees, as the club insured.
The clothing was purchased with funds from the headquarters of the Christian Church for emergency aid for refugees in Europe.
Young Mormons from the municipality Landshut participated locally in sorting and the issue of clothing. In addition, in an action in the Municipal House clothes are sorted, especially children's clothing.

In the refugee aid Erding e.V. be volunteers involved with the International and Bavarian Red Cross, the Bundeswehr sowe relief organization to be seeking protection in a decorated in Erding "waiting room" to the side. The organization of the camp will be provided by the German Red Cross.

When I told Sabrina that we could be shipping her more new underwear, she sent me this message: 
I could jump one meter in the air... 
Lovely... I send you hugs.

This is what they said about our donation on their own website:

After Great Shopping follows major donation

Good news! This week we were able to receive a large donation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Mormon Faith Movement donated our club underwear, shirts and hats for more than 1000 (!) Refugees. A gigantic number. For this we would like to express our thanks. As always, it is a great experience and a great motivation boost when their own work undergoes so generous support from outside!
Together with our own purchasing and the sensational high donations this past weekend, we now have a solid foundation for the next few weeks. Because especially if the currently stemmed along the Balkan route refugees over sooner or later reach Germany, we expect an increased demand in our clothes output. The we can now already more composed look into the eye as a few weeks ago.

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